Monday, November 16, 2020

Bird of the year

Last week the class was aloud to vote for the bird of the year. We all went on the website and got five votes each( The bird with the most votes wins). On Sunday at 5:00 the voting stopped and that day the bird of the year was reveled.The bird of the year is.......


Thursday, November 12, 2020


The sun is shining bright.

Birds are chirping all through the night.

All the kids come out to play, while others are taking trips away.


So go to the beaches go have a swim 

but make sure you don’t forget a hat with a brim. 

Golden sand between your toes,

As the ocean water flows,

In and out on the sand.

Summer Summer Nothing Is FUNNER!!

Charlotte K 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Koru Art

 In class we were told to get in to pairs and make koru's out of materials we could find outside. Jade and I were in a group and made two koru's one made with stones from the bike track the other made from some kind of plant we found on the ground.


Monday, November 2, 2020

Word Art

 I made this Word art and it says everyone's name in my class

Leprechaun Poster

 In class we had to make a poster about something we didn't know much about I choose to do my poster on Leprechauns.

Here is the poster.... 

Waterfall Poem

 In class we are learning how to write a poem we could either write a poem about a waterfall or a canal

Here Is My Poem... 

Tree’s guarding the hidden fall, the Waterfall is crowded like a mall with Tiny creatures crawling through the bush.
All the creatures go into the mush.
Water crashing as fish are dancing.The leaves are prancing in the wind.
All kinds of colors red, orange and green like nothing i have ever seen.
As the water splashes in the sun,
Waters falling by the tone.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Letter To Mrs Nicoll

In class we got put in groups and had to solve something that we thought needed to be fixed about the school, most people did the playground equipment, my group did the rubbish problem. Then we had to think of an idea to fixed it, we thought if we get a school pig it would encourage people to put rubbish in bins. next we had to write a letter to a person that could help us and on the letter we had to put something we had made with the app "tinkercad"

Here it is... 

Dear Mrs Nicoll,    

We are writing this letter to you because we have a problem that needs to be solved, the rubbish in school is not being put in rubbish bins. This is a MAJOR problem because this is what caused climate change. So we are asking you if we could get a school pig, this will help by encouraging people to put rubbish in the right bins and not littering.

We can have fundraisers to raise money for the pig like raffles, making lemonade to sale from lemons from people's houses, making cupcakes with pig faces on them to sale. Every-one can help by giving even $1. If every-one in the kereru hub gave $1 we would have $56.

After school every-day someone can take the pig home and feed it and look after it. Then can bring it to school the next morning.

We know you are a great principal and will make the right decision.

Yours sincere

Charlotte Kingsford